I believe nature is cyclical and so is our creativity.

I’m an INFJ, poetry lover, and rest advocate who feels most at home by the sea. My work currently explores themes like appetite, nurturing a sustainable writing life, motherhood, navigating loss and healing, and cultivating self-compassion.

Long Bio

Nicole Gulotta is the author of Wild Words: Rituals, Routines, and Rhythms for Braving the Writer’s Path and Eat This Poem: A Literary Feast of Recipes Inspired by Poetry, which was inspired by the food blog she wrote from 2012-2018. She currently hosts the Wild Words podcast, a show that encourages writers to embrace the season they’re in. Nicole holds an MFA in poetry from Vermont College of Fine Arts and her essays and poems have appeared in Life & Thyme, Lit Hub, Motherwell, The Write Life, Naugatuck River Review, The Portland Review, and others, and her winning poetry chapbook, Migration, was published by Flyway: A Journal of Writing and Environment at Iowa State University. As a Daring to Rest™ yoga nidra facilitator, she guides writers to feel both physically rested and tapped into their creative potential. Born and raised in Southern California, she lives in North Carolina with her family. Connect on Instagram @nicolegulotta.author.

Short Bio

Nicole Gulotta is the author of Wild Words: Rituals, Routines, and Rhythms for Braving the Writer’s Path and Eat This Poem: A Literary Feast of Recipes Inspired by Poetry. She holds an MFA in poetry from Vermont College of Fine Arts and her essays and poems have appeared in Life & Thyme, Lit Hub, Flyway, Motherwell, and others. For encouragement on the writer’s path, subscribe to her podcast, Wild Words.

Podcast Conversations

Learn more about me and my work on these lovely shows: